Cubixx HD first look & Valentine's Day is coming and you're gonna luuuuurve it!!
Hi guys and gals,
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love is in the air in the Laughing Jackal offices!
And I’m proud to announce the news you’ve all been waiting for, the long awaited, highly anticipated debut screenshots for Cubixx HD.
What’s this I hear you say, “no orange interior?”. That’s right colours aplenty this time round, a nice red rose colour is shown here. This also shows me killing myself (noob)!
NEW ENEMY ALERT!!! That’s right Cubixx HD features many new enemies. The first one can be seen above, the purple secondary Cubixx. This little rascal can be destroyed, but it can get hectic when he brings another 29 of his brothers to the party.
Another new enemy can be seen here, the homers! These black gas clouds cannot kill you directly but will hug on to you and slow you down, try to avoid these at all costs or the Cubixx will eat you for dinner! As you can see the player laser colour can now be customised, and it is being fired from a certain someone, but more on that next time…
This final screenshot shows of another new enemy. For now I’ll leave it up to you to guess what effect it has on the player! I don’t want to give too much away at present, but even if I say so myself, doesn’t it look gorgeous!
So spread the love and share these Cubixx screenshots with a loved one and if these super sexy screenshots don’t get you in the mood for Valentine’s Day next week, nothing will!
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