Laughing Jackal announce Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Hi everyone.
After a massively busy last few weeks things have calmed down enough that I can now announce that following on from the success of Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death our next Fighting Fantasy conversion will be *fanfare* Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain.
First published in 1982, Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain was the first book in Ian Livingstone' and Steve Jackson's Fighting Fantasy series and introduced millions of readers to the world of Titan, which would be the setting for many of the Fighting Fantasy books.
- Due to the feedback we’ve been receiving from you guys, we have made several changes to the game since Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death including:
- The Log Book now remembers which book you were in (Character, Item or Page)
- The user can now return to the top of the page by pressing the up button when the first option is highlighted
- A ‘Good’ generic alignment portrait added to Character Bios
- A new mini game has been added to the end of the quest
But I can’t reveal any more on that for fear of spoilers.
What I can reveal are the winners of our amazing Fighting Fantasy Competition
The answer I was looking for was "To be struck by its (Minion of Death) claws is to feel the chill of death as it draws some of your life-force away." Although I would also accept a correct description of the game mechanic for this particular attack.
The star prize of the Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death book which we used when creating the Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death PlayStation Mini still containing the dev notes and which has been signed by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, and an exclusive set of three A4 Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death posters also signed by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone was won by Ian White.
Our 4 runners up, each of whom receive an exclusive set of three A4 Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death posters signed by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, were:
Rocky Clark
João Conceição
Peter Dorr
Congratulations to everyone who got the correct answer.
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Is this a PS Mini or PS3 PSN game (I hope its the later, but either way sounds good) I actually don't read books... full stop (might explain my terrible spelling, woo spell-check) so I hope its accessible for the worst of us i.e. me. Anyway best of luck with this one
@Pepsi_Biofusion It's a Mini like Fighting fantasy: Talisman of death was :)
Fair enough, I still promise to buy this day one then... hope you can change my perception on Minis (I hate them, way too overpriced, usually)
Very happy about winning the posters! All changes to the next game are great news since I've got 90 pages to complete 100% in Fighting Fantasy and it does take a bit to go into the Logbook and have to change down to the Page section every time. When can we expect the next game in the series to find it's way to PSN? @Pepsi_Biofusion: You should try out Fighting fantasy: Talisman of death since it's out already and a great purchase for the asking price.
@EdEN Congratulations hope you like the posters. Glad you like the changes we're currently hard at work searching for bugs in Warlock of Firetop Mountain so it shouldn't be too long before it's ready for submission to Sony and we can get a date.
@Ross: Ok, that sounds great as a release in a month or two sounds possible! There's a lot of Fighting Fantasy books so I'd be really happy if the minis sell enough copies for it to make sense to make games out of all of them!
Many thanks for the book and posters, I'm going to see if I can get the posters framed and put up on the wall. The book now has pride of place on the bookshelf with all my other Fighting Fantasy books (Oddly enough I never managed to get a copy of number 11 either so this worked out very well) I have to ask though, Any chance of seeing the Sorcery series in this digital format?
@Ian White: How about some pics of the book so the rest of us can be jealous?
@Ian Thanks for letting us know that it arrived safely. We did special instructions to Royal Mail to take care of that particular parcel. I gree with EdEN pics would be good :)
@Ross: Emailed you before the weekend and waiting to hear back from you! What else is Laughing Jackal working on other than the Fighting Fantasy minis? I've had a lot of fun with Cubixx HD (damn you Land Rush 1 challenge!) and your other minis releases as well.
@EdEN Its all TOP SECRET at the moment. The next project that is underway isn't quite ready for human consumption but we will be making an announcement very soon with screenshots!!