Hi everyone! So who enjoys blowing up the undead? And who would like to know about the brand new zombies that you’ll be able to decimate in OMG HD Zombies? If you do, then this is the blog post for you, because today I’ll be introducing all three of the new zombies-types that you’ll be able to destroy in your goriest of gory chain reactions!
Say hello to the Mortar Zombie, a regular civilian-turned-zombie but in this sad case his brain has reacted adversely to the fungus, building up enormous pressure inside his skull, giving his head a hideous appearance (even for a zombie :)). When killed, this poor Mortar Zombie’s head will fly up off the screen before landing at a random point in the play area of the level, bursting all over the place.
Mortar Zombies can be upgraded to increase the splash radius around their brain on landing, to increase damage caused by the brain’s explosion and lastly to increase their population within the level.
Despite the enormous destruction it has been responsible for, the zombie fungus remains poorly understood. For example, we have recently discovered a unique reaction which can occur in some female victims of the fungus creating the Runner Zombie. When a Runner Zombie is attacked it will run forwards for a limited distance before exploding in a similar way to regular Civilian Zombies.
Runner Zombies can be upgraded to deal more damage when bursting, to increase their blast radius and to have their population increased.
Another example of this can be found in the Taser Zombie. A highly mysterious mutation of the regular fungal infection, Taser Zombies metabolise the fungus in a wholly different way to their undead brethren, where their bodies become charged with huge amounts of barely-contained energy.
When the Taser Zombie is attacked the explosive reaction of the fungus unleashes this energy in a powerful bolt that is automatically launched in a random direction. If the energy bolt connects with another zombie, a bolt of electrified energy extends between the two and remains there for a limited time. The Taser Zombie and its victim remain locked in position as long as the bolt lasts.
While the two zombies are electrified, any zombie coming into contact with the energy bolt is immediately trapped by it and takes chip damage every couple of seconds, effectively setting up a trip wire inside the level.
Taser Zombies can be upgraded to make their energy bolts last longer, have a greater effective radius and to increase their population in a level.
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