Posted by Steven

'Cubixx HD' Episode 12 - Trophy King!

Hello all,

I have to apologise in advance but this week’s blog is going to be a bit shorter than normal because we are all really busy with Cubixx HD multiplayer testing. We are having such a blast though - I’m sure you’re all very jealous!!

Soooooooo let me introduce you to this week’s blog post, the subject of which is TROPHIES!  Yep, I thought that would get all you trophy-whores excited, especially sinceCubixx HD has a whopping 18 of them to unlock!

Think you can bag ’em all and be crowned King of the Trophies?  I warn you now that you’ll have quite a challenge on your hands!  Here’s the full list as it stands (the names may change slightly for the final release, but I’m sure you get the idea):


Super Combo

Ascended Unity

Lord of Awards

The Whopper


Top Gun


88 Miles-An-Hour

Mr. Popular

Light Speed

Fully Bronzed

Risky Business

I Am Legend

Mammoth Score

Mad Skillz

The sharper Cube Heads amongst you may have noticed that I only listed 16 names, well that’s because there are 2 hidden trophies to try and find! Ha ha!! And no, I’m not gonna let the Cubot out of the bag and tell you how to unlock them, you’ll just have to figure that out for yourself.

Right, that’s it for this week but before I sign off, I’ll leave you with a little treat that’ll hopefully put a smile on your faces…  Feast your eyes on the current trophy icons for Cubixx HD:

Aren’t they awesome?  Ok, don’t panic!  As I’m sure you can tell, they’re only place-holder graphics, although I’m quite proud of them as I drew them myself.  (Lucky for the rest of the team that I’m not the artist eh?)  Anyway, please let me know what you think of my amazing icons and if enough of you say you like them then I’ll make sure they go in the final version of the game!! Yeah, like that’s gonna happen!


Wishing you all a thoroughly splendid weekend and don’t forget to tune in this time next week for another action packed update.



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Posted by Steven


Howdy doody dandy all!

Hope everyone is looking forward to an EGG-stra long weekend and hopefully some EGG-cellent weather for the Easter weekend? Fingers (hot) crossed (buns) it’s gonna be a good one! And even if the weather is bad I’ll cheer myself up by stuffing my face full of chocolate eggs!

Sooooooooooo let’s get back on subject! As I mentioned last week I have another brand spanking new multiplayer mode to announce and boy am I EGG-cited…. Welcome to Cubixx HD DEATHMATCH for up to a mEGGa 7 players! Oh yes this is the one you’ve all been waiting for and sharing this with you all makes me feel like Santa Claus and Christmas has come 8 months early! Move over [INSERT NAME OF YOUR FAVOURITE FPS GAME HERE] there’s a new game in town and it’s taking no prisoners! Cubixx HD Deathmatch is EGG-stremely EGG-ceptional and no doubt you will want to pwn your friends and become a Cubixx HD Deathmatch EGG-spert… Ok that’s my final attempt at a so called egg joke so no more I promise!

4 way mayhem!

Right, enough of the gibberish, let’s talk facts! First off I’ll explain how to KILL…in Cubixx HD (obviously) Ok, so there are two ways to take your mates down:

1. Simply cut away an area surrounding a player and watch’em explode into smithereens!  For me this is the most satisfying way to kill! Trapping a helpless opponent just brings joy to my heart!


2. Fry your friends by forcing them to crash head-on into your line! Believe me this sounds easy but actually takes a lot of skill and lightning fast reflexes.

Deathmatch features 10 bespoke arenas completely separate from the rest of the game, carefully designed to give you the ultimate experience for this game mode. In the options screen you can pick whether to play the same level over and over or choose to advance, taking you on a tour across all 10 action packed levels. The themes of the levels range from simple to extreme. For example the first level is just populated by a single Cubixx, so all you’ll need to worry about is hunting down your mates and killing them, whereas on another level you might have asteroids to deal with too.  Or perhaps you’ll choose the level everyone loves to hate, with HOMERS grinding you down whilst your friends step up for the easy kill! Plus, you’ll have to keep an eye on how many times you die because kills/deaths work like goal difference in football!

Getting crazy up in here!!

Other options that can be tweaked in Deathmatch include:

  • Kill count – 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 or infinite kills before the game ends.
  • Game time -5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes or infinite time.
  • Power ups – Choose whether to have positive, negative or all power ups activated.

Everybody loves options!

So that’s it for this week, have an amaaaaaaaazing weekend! And remember to tune in next week so you can hear all about the Cubixx HD Trophies and Leaderboards! And for now I’ll leave you with these little gems….


Why would the Easter bunny make a good surgeon? Because he is EGG-sperienced at EGG-cisions! 

Why did the Easter egg make a bad comedian? Because he couldn’t crack a yolk!

Why is the Easter bunny good at making spreadsheets? Because he is EGG-cellent at EGG-cel!

Why is the Easter bunny nice and fit? Because he is EGG-cellent at EGG-cercise.

Why is the Easter bunny a bit crazy? Because he is hopping mad!

The Easter bunny wishes you a hoppy Easter.


Ta 'ra for now,


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Posted by Steven

'Cubixx HD' Episode 10 - Playing with yo' homies!

Yo yo yo!

What’s crack-a-lacking my homies!??

This week is going to be my most favouritist of posts because I get to share some top secret details with you all! You and your friends are gonna go CRAZY when you find out what lies ahead in the world of multliplayer YES multiplayer Cubixx HD!!! Wowzers indeed, this week I can officially announce that Cubixx HD has local multiplayer for up to a whopping 7 players! WOOT WOOT! So not only can you play all the awesome single player modes I’ve mentioned in previous blogs but you can also share the love and get 6 of your mates to play with you! There is a hell of a lot of multiplayer content so where do I start…..

So first off we have 7 player co-op Arcade mode. This is where the party is at, because there aint no party like a Cubixx party! Oh yeah you guys are gonna have some serious fun in this game mode! Co-op Arcade allows you to play with up to 6 friends across the 50 Arcade levels. Sound easy? Well lives are shared so be careful not to “accidently” take out your homies! I have a slightly evil side when playing this game and can’t help but kill my colleagues when given the opportunity, much to their disgust! We have had sooooooooo much fun testing this so I‘m hoping you guys will love it too! Oh and if you’re like me and only have a couple friends don’t worry as you can still play with any number of people between 1 and 7! YAY for being unpopular! SWEET!



If that wasn’t enough you then have all 150 attack modes to conquer with up to 6 mates! This mode is played separately though, so no need to worry about killing your mates! See which of you can complete the level the quickest or with the highest scores! This is where Cubixx HD gods/goddesses are born!

Four play!

Three some!


There is a little bit more multiplayer mayhem to announce but I’m gonna make you wait until next week for that! I’m such a tease, but trust me it’s worth it!

Peace and love,


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