Posted by Steven
Fri, 8th Apr 2011
What’s good everyone?
Hope you all enjoyed last week’s shenanigans? I had a good laugh filming the video of me flying what was clearly a fake Cubot…or was it? Anyway, the whole office thought my acting skills were far from a George Clooney or Brad Pitt, but I would rather class myself as a modern day Fred Astaire anyway.
Do excuse my ramblings and let’s get back on topic for today’s Cubixx HD blog…. This week I bring you a detailed look at the game’s MUSIC! I’m finding this week a bit of a struggle as I tend to listen to music and not really write about it so do bear with me as I run through what genres we have included, how many songs we have and why we chose these specific songs.
I’ll start with the genres. We’ve gone a little more diverse this time around and have included Trance, Techno, Electronica, Dubstep and probably a few more genres which if I’m honest, I’m not quite sure how to classify! I can promise you though they are all bangers, pumping choons all day! With around 28 tracks there should be something for everyone to enjoy but the majority are upbeat, energetic dance tracks that are really in keeping with gameplay. If you’ve played the original you’ll know what I mean, and if you haven’t then go pick it up now!
In Cubixx HD each level has music specifically chosen to complement it. For example if the level is fast and frantic, the music will be fast and frantic, but if the level is a bit slower and tactical then the music will be more chilled out. We spent a long time hand picking each track and we think this has given both the Arcade and Challenge levels great depth in the overall experience of the game and something we are really proud of.
Unfortunately, the licensing terms for the music don’t allow me to give you any samples but in the meantime, if you like good music why don’t you check out these awesome music videos from our amazing action rhythm game, VIBES!! (Available now on PSP and PS3)!! If you want to make me happy then go grab a copy, and tell your friends to do the same, it really is a very cool game!
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend all, and let’s hope the sunny weather continues! BBQ anyone?
Posted by Al
Tue, 5th Apr 2011
Hey guys,
Just a brief mid-week post to remind you all that Laughing Jackal’s amazing retro 2-player shoot-em-up, Duæl Invaders (PSN minis) is out THIS WEEK!!! on the PSN Store, free and exclusive to PS+ subscribers.
So, if you are lucky enough to count yourself among that happy number then get downloading and enjoy some awesomely old-school shmuppery. That’s today for SCEA and Wednesday for SCEE PS+ subscribers.
The rest of you still have two more weeks to wait until the game is available for purchase (that’s 19th April for SCEA and 20th April for SCEE) for the bargain price of £2.49 / $3.99 / €3.99.
Duæl Invaders is an 80s-inpired shoot-em-up featuring simultaneous control of two ships (for 1 or 2 players) with an original scoring system combining ‘aggro’ and simple colour matching to destroy endless waves of enemies. It also rocks.
In the meantime, here’s a nice trailer to whet your appetite for some high speed 1 or 2-player blasting:
Thanks until next time. More Cubixx HD news on Friday. :D
Posted by Al
Sat, 2nd Apr 2011
Hi everyone,
As many of you know, our next PSN minis title – Duæl Invaders – is due for release on the PSN store, exclusive and free to PS+ users on 5-6th April 2011 in both SCEA and SCEE territories.
The game will then be launched ‘publicly’ for all you non-PS+ subscribers on 19-20th April. Here’s where things change from our previous plans...
The original plan was to celebrate the public release by launching the game at a discounted price of £0.99 / $1.49 / €1.49, however, what with there being a global financial meltdown and the world going to **** and stuff, cleverer people than me have been doing their sums and realised that we’re going to be unable to deliver on this promise; put simply we need the game to be profitable and the plan to go with a sale from day one risked that.
For leading you all on, you have my deepest apologies. :-( Here, have a nice picture of my cat to make up for it:
However, it’s all good; Duæl Invaders is still exactly the same great game it was before I disappointed you so, it’s just going to launch at its regular price of £2.49 / $3.99 / €3.99. If that’s not an incentive to join PS+ (and get Duæl Invaders for FREE) I don’t know what is. ;D
I should say, we’re still planning on a £0.99 sale at some point in the game’s lifespan, just not on day one.
Sorry again to be the bearer of bad (instead of glad) tidings; still, if you haven’t seen it already, cheer yourselves up by checking out our amazing new R/C Cubot toy to celebrate the might of the forthcoming Cubixx HD (PS3-PSN). It’s really amazing stuff!
Thanks until next week. :-)
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