Hi everyone. It’s been another busy week here at Laughing Jackal and we’ve got lots of news for you all. To start things off, those of you with access to PlayStation Mobile will be happy to know that the amazing OMG-Zombies is currently free on PSM as part of Sony’s Six Weeks of Free PlayStation Mobile Gaming offer. So why not head to the PSN Store and start exploding some zombies?
Talking about the Vita some of you may remember last week’s big announcement that Hungry Giraffe will be coming to the Vita. Since then we were interviewed by the team over at PushSquare about the Vita version of Hungry Giraffe. To read the full interview and get my thoughts on all things Hungry Giraffe (and find out just which food would tempt me to start growing my neck) please check out this link.
This week over on Vita Player they have been running a series of reviews on our games. So far they have looked at Duæl Invaders, Cubixx and OMG-Zombies and there is still more to come, including another Laughing Jackal Interview. So, keep an eye on this link for the rest of this week for more Laughing Jackal coverage.
We have also been hard at work on more dynamic themes, and our version of the American and Canadian flags will be coming to PSN shortly.
Finally those of you following the PS4 announcement may have spotted a certain name in the European section of this list of PlayStation 4 developers. Exciting isn’t it :).
That’s all for now. In next week’s blog we will be announcing a price and release date for Hungry Giraffe on Vita. Until then you can join us on our Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google+ pages, where we will be posting all the news from Laughing Jackal.
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