Posted by Al

'Duael Invaders' (PSN minis) out this week for PS+!

Hey guys,

Just a brief mid-week post to remind you all that Laughing Jackal’s amazing retro 2-player shoot-em-up, Duæl Invaders (PSN minis) is out THIS WEEK!!! on the PSN Store, free and exclusive to PS+ subscribers.

So, if you are lucky enough to count yourself among that happy number then get downloading and enjoy some awesomely old-school  shmuppery. That’s today for SCEA and Wednesday for SCEE PS+ subscribers.

The rest of you still have two more weeks to wait until the game is available for purchase (that’s 19th April for SCEA and 20th April for SCEE) for the bargain price of £2.49 / $3.99 / €3.99.

Duæl Invaders is an 80s-inpired shoot-em-up featuring simultaneous control of two ships (for 1 or 2 players) with an original scoring system combining ‘aggro’ and simple colour matching to destroy endless waves of enemies. It also rocks.

In the meantime, here’s a nice trailer to whet your appetite for some high speed 1 or 2-player blasting:

Thanks until next time. More Cubixx HD news on Friday. :D


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