Hi everyone,
It’s been another crazily busy week here at Laughing Jackal towers!
Flame Over is now on sale for Vita and the PS4 and Steam versions should be at alpha in around 2-3 weeks – it’s been very cool to get such great feedback from people who’ve already purchased the game on Vita, so a huge thank you to anyone who’s already bought the game. You guys rock! ^^
After launching on Vita and the game having such a great response from the visitors at EGX Rezzed, we’ve been really driven and made a ton of progress on the forthcoming PC and PS4 builds. Yay!
Even better, Vita owners will gain the benefit of some improvements made to the PC/PS4 versions post launch, as we’ve finished testing a patch for Vita that should be submitted to Sony next week (fingers crossed!)
The patch notes for this interim patch are as follows:
- Thermometer now ONLY fills all the way up when Blaze is standing in a room with a fire burning in it. If the thermometer is full you know there’s a fire in the room somewhere!
- Fire Exit icon now appears on the Minimap at all times.
- Blaze now flashes red once hit by a fireball.
- Blaze now flashes after losing a heart.
- Fire no longer spawns in the Fuseboard Room.
- Your own score can be found by pressing [SQUARE] on the Leaderboards screen.
- Leaderboards now delay before requesting scores, so you can fast scroll through scores.
- The Loot upgrade category is now automatically unlocked from the start of the game.
- The Fuseboard Icon will always be visible on your minimap until you turn it off.
- Upgrade cost warning can now be dismissed.
- Upgrades screen now only appears when you can unlock an upgrade category or afford an upgrade item.
- Quick Restart can now be accessed via the Pause Menu immediately upon player death or from the Game Over screen.
- The Intro video only plays once now, instead of every level load.
- NPCs now have a brief window of invulnerability when revived with the Defibrillator powerup.
- Water refill speeds have been doubled.
- Fixed an exploit where times were posted to Leaderboards without starting from Office Stage 1-1. Scores submitted this way will be voided and reset.
- Fixed a crash where the player could exit certain rooms by walking into corners.
- Fixed an issue where autosave could potentially wipe your Player Stats.
- Fixed an issue where the Caretaker accused you of stealing despite you having not done so.
- Fixed a visual issue where the magnifying overlay wouldn’t match your upgrade time.
- Fixed a bug where ambient fire sound would no longer play after the first level.
- Fixed an issue where the Main menu text became unreadable.
Sounds pretty great, right? :)
Hopefully the submission will go well and you’ll be able to try out Flame Over 1.1 in around a couple of weeks. In the meantime it’s back to work on getting the ultimate firefighting Roguelike ready for its console and Steam debut!
Until then, have a great Easter and talk to you again soon!
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